Doctor of Motherhood

the beautiful dichotomy of a classic-minded millennial mom

This blog is about my three greatest achievements & the beautiful dichotomy they create. I became J’s wife in 2013, a doctor of physical therapy in 2016, and Baby J’s momma in 2017. All three are callings from God. Together they make up my purpose in life. And I often feel pulled between two worlds. There is one where I’m the Lover of my home & Nurturer of my boys, where my husband & I have big dreams of creating a counter-culture in our family & classically educating our child(ren). Then another where I literally touch the lives of Mommas & Little Ones, facilitating new movement & helping them find ways to function within their world of special needs.

As a millenial mom, I’m pulled between these two worlds because there is an expectation & a need to use the degree for which I worked so hard & went so far into debt. Yet, like all women, I desire to pour myself into my family & home. I don’t have answers, just stories of how God is teaching me to balance this beautiful dichotomy. Hopefully, I can bless you with some helpful tips & encouragement along the way.

Read about the beautiful dichotomy here.

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