The Confusing Difference Between Fear & Faith

I was reminded of the time I flew above a storm. After an eight hour layover, my friends & I finally began the last short leg of the flight home from a mission trip in Central America. We climbed steeply up through the electrical storm until finally we were riding above the black clouds, looking down on what looked like the largest mountains I had ever seen, first invisible, then illuminated by fierce lightning. It seemed like we were only feet above these mountain peaks, but we were safe. I was looking down on the origin of the storm instead of looking up at it for the first & probably only time in my life. I was mesmerized by the thought that I was being given a glimpse of God's perspective on us. He was both in the storm with us & above the storm.

Shaping Your Baby’s Future… & Their Head: A Pediatric PT’s Perspective on Positioning, Part I

There is one thing I HATE about my job: telling parents that the positioning devices they paid good money for - or worse, received FOR FREE - are actually not good for their child. At all. It's actually bad for their development. I hate telling them this because I understand how much time it takes to put together a registry & all the pressure there is to have all the right things for your little love. Plus, I'm sure it's confusing to see ads with those adorable babies standing in their exercise saucer, looking perfectly content while Mommy cooks dinner (oh, the bliss), & then to be told that this miracle device gives your little one a good chance to be developmentally stunted. I'm telling you, it's like popping a kid's balloon.

How I Saved Money In Preparation To Stay Home With My Baby

J & I always knew that I wouldn't work full time once we had kids. However, by the time we got there, we had an exorbitant amount in student loans! I also battled feelings of guilt for not "using my degree" - like the amount of time I work dictates the importance of my degree - & then feelings of entitlement that I should be able to do what I want since I survived PT school! Ultimately, I had to go back to the desires of my heart, that longing placed there by God. Because that's the only plan that will work. And He has orchestrated it perfectly, as He always will when we give it over to Him! We still, however, have the responsibility to be a good steward with what He has given us. So I made a point of challenging myself to save as much as possible during my pregnancy...

Refiners’ Fire & Fullers’ Soap

Delivering a child. Running a marathon. Walking away from the wrong person. Sacrificing your selfishness for the right person. Selling that first vehicle for one with better gas mileage. What do these all have in common? They're painful things, but in the end we are better for it. (That last one might just be me? I'm having flashbacks to 18 year old Caitlin crying at the dealership as we traded my Chevy truck for the Pontiac...)

Lessons From My Birth Story, Part II

I delivered my son after 31 trying hours, completely differently than the way I had prayed about so diligently. I felt let down by God, my Father, the Promise Keeper, the One Who had always answered my prayers for even the smallest things. Why had He chosen not to honor my request for a natural labor & delivery?

Lessons From My Birth Story, Part I

Baby J was due November 27, 2017. Around Valentine's Day, approximately 9 months earlier, I was reading about Mary & I felt the conviction, the nudge, the unmistakable go-ahead from the Lord to start our family. We did the calculations, but I was still surprised when March brought a positive test. So I read Baby Bargains, met my doctor, started a registry & created the Pinterest boards. As the time got closer, J & I took a new parent class (like newbs...), I met with a nurse to create my "birth plan" (quotes will be explained later...), & set up our home for the impending arrival. Excuse the ring of arrogance with this statement, but NO ONE could have been more prepared than me...

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